April/Mai 2024

Tankhahn (Absperrventil) bekommt einen anderen Hebel, damit er über eine Umlenkung betätigt werden kann. Diese Stellung war mit dem ursprünglichen nicht möglich.

Revised valve lever (standard does not work for remote action). The new position should enable settings (open/close) via redirection.


Engine work

After several years on hold, my engine (Limbach 2000EO1) needs some attention. Even filled with oil for protection, the engine parts should be carefully brought to motion by turning the crankshaft via prop hub.
Therefore the old oil (keeping all the detrition and mud) should be changed - its not a good idea to turn the engine and distribute the mud and debris all over the place inside the engine.
I do not plan to disassemble the whole engine at this time - I guess a formerly good runing motor will function also today, but need a little refresh. Due that I heated up the engine a little with a heat gun, to make the oil more fluid again, then let it flow out to check the sump-fliter for mud and debris. Therafter i’ve cleaned the filter and filled the new oil (Mannol ContiClassic 10 W40 semi-synthetic oil) to a good level (a bit more then usually needed!). Additionally i filled the cylinder via the spark plug openings with an oil-can to be sure of reaching all engine areas.

With the new oil inside, I turned carefully the crankshaft again and again to distribute the oil and lube all the moving parts. I will turn the crankshaft the next weeks from time to time to lube (and pump) all engine parts sufficiently.

Finally the plan is to change again the oil, check for debris, change the sealings and try to start the engine for a test-run.

Not to forget for sure to check/set the valves, sparks and setup the ignition (Slick magneto).

Seals from German csp-shop.de made of silicone for long-term use and offered as more reliable than paper or cork.

The Oil (see above) is a find of internet research - hope to be a good choice! Any recommendations are very welcome.